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Public Training : Lead Auditor Course ISO 9001:2015 IRCA REGISTERED 25-29 JULI 2016
Pada tanggal 25-29 Juli 2016, WQA APAC kembali memberikan Training Lead Auditor Course (LAC) ISO 9001:2015, bertempat di Hotel Bestwestern Premier the...
How do we know how to measure anything?
Can you imagine what it would be like to make any scientific discovery or invention without measurements? Nearly impossible. But it’s not enough to si...
8 Tips Agar Audit Internal ISO 9001:2015 Lebih Efektif
Audit internal merupakan salah satu kekuatan ISO 9001. Dengan melakukan audit, semua persyaratan diperiksa secara sistematis dan independen apakah tet...
In House Training Awareness, Understanding, And Internal Audit of ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015
WQA APAC menyelenggarakan In House Training pada tanggal 25-26 Juli 2016 yang lalu, acara training kali ini diikuti 22 orang peserta yang merupakan k...
Penyerahan Sertifikasi ISO PT. HK-Pati
Selamat Kepada PT.HK-Pati ( H-One Kogi Prima Auto Technologies Indonesia ) atas diraihnya Sertifikasi ISO 9001 : 2008 WQA sebagai badan sertifikasi...
Apa Itu Risk Based Thinking ??
Risk Based Thinking bisa disingkat RBT bila diartikan secara bebas, risk based thinking berarti memperhatikan dan mempertimbangkan segala resiko dalam...
Public Training – Awareness, Understanding, And Implementing Of ISO 9001:2015
WQA APAC menggelar acara Public Training tentang ISO 9001 :2015, Acara ini diselenggarakan Pada tanggal 25-26 Juli 2016 yang lalu, bertempat di Park ...
Chinese city puts sustainable community ISO standard to the test
“Inclusive Cities, Shared Development” is the 2016 theme of World Cities Day celebrated on 31 October. Many ISO standards contribute to improving qual...
ISO 14001 experts win technical excellence award
The group of experts that develops ISO 14001, the world’s most recognized framework for environmental management systems, has been awarded the Lawrenc...