We are fully committed to providing the best quality service for the needs by providing certification services and being responsible for the impartiality of its conformity assessment activities, through continuous improvement, minimizing environmental damage and ensuring we reduce/eliminate accidents, incidents and non-conformities.

It is our policy to meet all relevant standards and all legal requirements, exceeding them where possible. WQA activities are structured and managed to maintain impartiality and maintain confidentiality

We are always conscious of improving our performance and by increasing our knowledge of issues and continuously monitoring, reviewing and improving our management system controls, we will encourage our people to be aware of and participate in good practice both on and off their premises. work.


PT WQA is one of the organizations engaged in the certification body that applies the principles of sustainability in accordance with the Vision and Mission. Companies in managing certification are committed to:

1. Prohibit acts of bribery and other corruption in any form;
2. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations in Indonesia and in the countries where WQA operates including anti-bribery and corruption laws;
3. Involve all company employees in detecting and responding to bribery through the whistleblowing system;
4. Establish the authority and independence of the Anti-Bribery Compliance Function (FKAP) to oversee the design and implementation of the SMAP in the Company, as well as have direct access to the Steering Committee and Top Management on issues, report bribery incidents and take firm action on disciplinary matters;
5. Meet the requirements of the Anti-Bribery Management System and make continuous improvements to the requirements of the Anti-Bribery Management System;
6. There will not be any punishment or retaliation against the whistleblower because of his concern for the anti-bribery program:
7. Prohibit retaliation against whistleblowers who are concerned about the anti-bribery management system.

This Anti-Bribery Policy will always be communicated to stakeholders and translated into anti-Bribery work plans and anti-bribery targets and encourage consistent implementation, evaluation and continuous improvement to ensure its effectiveness. Consequences if not in accordance with this Policy will be given strict sanctions based on applicable regulations


Muhammad Aristian
Regional Manager