If clients are dissatisfied with the service, then the right exists to appeal directly, through the WQA-APAC, to WQA’s Technical Committee. sent email to wqacare@wqa-sea.co.id or submit online complaint form.
Complaints will be processed no later than 2 x 24 hours after the client submits
Type of Complaint
- WQA certified client performance
- WQA system or service performance
- Attitude of WQA employees or staff
Complaint & Appeal Process
- Clients or interested parties field complaints
- Acceptance and recording by the WQA
- Validation and investigation by WQA
- Relevant complaints or appeals will be resolved by WQA Technical Committee
- Decision by WQA
- If it is proven that there is a problem, WQA will take corrective action
- Official statements and publications from WQA
- Written appeals should be directly emailed to jakarta@wqa-sea.com.